Your support is essential — please donate today!
Hospice of Westchester is a private not-for-profit, tax exempt agency that is certified by the federal government, licensed by the New York State Department of Health, as well as accredited by the Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP).
To make a donation by credit card:
Please click on the donate today button to use our secure online form. Online donations are securely processed by our partner Salsa CRM.
To make a donation by check:
Please make checks payable to Hospice of Westchester. Checks can be mailed to
Hospice of Westchester 1025 Westchester Avenue, Suite 200, White Plains, NY 10604.
Please call Holly Benedict, Director of Development and Public Affairs, on 914-682-1484 ext. 122.
Thank you for the essential role you play in our continued success. We know that without your help, and the help of all our donors, we would not have been able to accomplish all that we have.